Vous êtes nombreuses à me demander régulièrement où se trouve l'alphabet des lutins.
Pour celles qui l'ont suivi semaine après semaine, il doit être sagement enregistré dans leurs fichiers. Pour les autres, il faut faire la chasse aux lettres, et je reconnais que c'est un peu très fastidieux...
Je viens donc de vous faciliter la tâche en reprenant tout dans cet article et en vous mettant un lien pour une impression 4 lettres par 4 lettres. Elle n'est pas belle, la vie ?
Voici l'intégralité des lettres :
Et 4 par 4 :
110.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
210.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
310.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
410.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
510.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
610.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
710.jpg - Click to see more photos on ServImg
Servimg is a free image hosting and upload service. Our image sharing service allows you to upload, host and share images and photos to forums and blogs.
Alors, heureuses ?😘